
Welcome to Geʤindreorg, the definitive lexicon for Geʤsoporg! There is a table of the alphabet, a reference manual, a dictionary/encyclopedia, and an IPA transliteration tool.

What is Geʤsoporg?

Geʤsoporg is a constructed language I have been making for my fictional universe. I don’t claim to be well educated in linguistics, but when thinking up the words, grammar, and writing system I was primarily inspired by aspects of Hangul, German, Latin, and Old English.

Why learn Geʤsoporg?

If you’re bored go ahead, though you should be able to read my novels without it. This is primarily a tool to make the language easier for me to manage.

Is it easy to learn Geʤsoporg?

About as easy as learning any other language which uses different symbols than what you’re used to.