Character Creation

This section is intended to walk you through setting up your character. It will be easiest to follow along with a character sheet to write on as you read.

Character Sheet

Your character sheet is a summary of the most pertinent information about your character. Its main function is to allow you to know what your character can do at a glance.

While not required, it is highly recommended that you keep a dedicated notepad to track your character’s backstory as well as people your character meets and things your character learns over the course of your campaign.

You can find the canonical character sheet I designed for this system here:

However, if you’re feeling artistic, feel free to make your own character sheet! Just make sure it has all the important info you need to play the game.


Your character’s moral compass is the core to their personality. You will usually have smoother interactions with people who share your morality, but not necessarily.

  • Lawful Good (LG) “The Square”: You always do the right thing whilst adhering to the laws of the land.
  • Neutral Good (NG) “The Vigilante”: You believe in always doing the right thing, but you generally put more faith in your personal code of honor rather than the corrupted bureaucracy of law.
  • Chaotic Good (CG) “The Punk”: You believe in doing the right thing, but the law always gets in the way.
  • Lawful Neutral (LN) “The Epicurean”: You are selfish and commit both good and evil deeds to get your way. You uphold the law, but usually in pursuit of its loopholes.
  • Neutral Neutral (NN) “The Hollow”: You are indifferent to most anything. You adapt to new contexts and assimilate anything that you believe will help you grow.
  • Chaotic Neutral (CN) “The Nihilist”: You detest adhering to any sort of order and prefer to make your own path. You’re indifferent to both good and evil.
  • Lawful Evil (LE) “The Fascist”: You are selflessly evil, meaning you would die for an evil cause or deity.
  • Neutral Evil (NE) “El Diablo”: The most terrifying and unpredictable of all evils. You are a true force of malevolence who serves no master.
  • Chaotic Evil (CE) “The Anarchist”: You want to destroy all that exists. Your wrath is indiscriminate.

Sleep Cycle

Everyone has their own sleep preferences. What are yours? (You will have disadvantaged rolls when you are tired). Note: It is generally recommended for players to choose similar sleeping patterns to the rest of the party.

  • Diurnal (D): you prefer to sleep at night. You have difficulty seeing in the dark.
  • Nocturnal (N): you prefer to sleep in the day. You see in the dark, but daylight is mildly blinding.
  • Unihemispheric (DU or NU): you sleep with one eye open. You can’t be surprised while resting, but sleep is half as restful for health and sanity purposes.
  • Crepuscular (C): you prefer to be awake when the sun is setting or rising, otherwise you’d like to nap. You see perfectly at night when moonlight is present.
  • Insomniac (I): you cannot sleep without the aid of potions/medicine. You see well in all lighting.

Skill Levels

Your DM will tell your party what level your characters may start as. Assign each number from the corresponding “preset skills” column to one of your skills.

Starting Level Preset Skills Starting Gold
2 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 20gp
4 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2 40gp
6 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4 60gp
8 10, 9, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6 80gp
10 12, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8 100gp
12 14, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10 120gp

You will notice each skill on your character sheet has a pentagon to hold the level of that stat, a box for the corresponding dice roll, and a bubble on the upper right of the pentagon to hold the proficiency bonus.

Skill Explanation

The skill table on the next page will give you all the data you need to fill in so you know what dice to roll when asked to make a skill check. It also has supplemental information about the minimum, average, and maximum numbers that can be rolled for that level so that when you are leveling up you can understand statistically what you are gaining.

XP Cost Level Difficulty Proficiency Dice Min. Avg. Max.
1 1 Safe +1 1 2.5 4
3 2 Simple +1 1 3.5 6
6 3 Easy +1 2 5 8
10 4 Moderate +2 1 5.5 10
15 5 Demanding +2 1 6.5 12
21 6 Stressful +2 2 7 12
28 7 Difficult +3 3 7.5 12
36 8 Impressive +3 2 9 16
45 9 Strenuous +3 3 10.5 18
55 10 Challenging +4 1 10.5 20
66 11 Novice +4 2 11 20
78 12 Journeyman +4 2 13 24
91 13 Adept +5 3 13 24
105 14 Veteran +5 4 14 24
120 15 Master +5 3 16 30
136 16 Grand Master +6 4 18 32
153 17 LORD +6 3 19 36
171 18 KING +6 4 20 36
190 19 EMPEROR +8 4 22 40
210 20 SAGE +8 4 26 48
231 21 DEMON +8 5 30.5 56
253 22 GOD +16 3 31.5 60
276 23 COSMIC +16 4 42 80
300 24 BEYOND +24 10 61 112


How has your character survived up until this point in their life? Was your character born to a wealthy family? Any reasonable way your character makes a living is valid, from a security guard to a thief to a waste management engineer.

Once you have chosen an occupation for your character, write it down in the Occupation line of your character sheet and then see which of the below classes match it best to determine what proficiencies, abilities, and equipment your character would have from working that occupation.

Occupation Classes

Which of these classes best correlates to your character’s occupation? Note: if none of these classes fit with your character’s occupation, you should work with your DM to determine what your character should start with.

Expand to show all Occupation Classes…
  • Adventurer
    • Description: You are a wanderer who constantly seeks out danger to tell stories about at the next tavern you visit.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Perception (WIS), Performance (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one level in Strength and one level in Dexterity now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: studded leather tunic (5), wooden shield (2)
      • Weaponry: two weapons of your choice
      • 100m rope, torch
  • Artificer
    • Description: Your occupation is all about innovation and technology. You use your keen intelligence to craft and repair mechanisms that will aid in achieving your goals.
    • Proficiences: Precision (DEX), Investigation (INT), Nature (INT), Technology (INT)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Intelligence now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: studded leather tunic (5), wooden shield (2)
      • Weaponry: light crossbow, 20 bolts
      • Items: toolbox, nailbox, 100m rope
  • Artist
    • Description: Your occupation is all about aesthetic and creativity. You use your developed sense of taste to craft works of art that will inspire others.
    • Proficiences: Precision (DEX), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Deception (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity and one in Charisma now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Items: Pick one of the following…
        • Artist’s Tools, easel, box of paints (watercolor, ink, acrylic), mixed media paper
        • Sculptor’s Tools, modeling clay
        • Potter’s Tools, pottery wheel, clay, glazes
  • Aristocrat
    • Description: You were born into a wealthy family! Working is for the poor, not for you. Your days are spent lounging, dining, and influencing others to further your own goals.
    • Proficiencies: Inebriation (CON), History (INT), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Special Trait: You receive 2,000gp every month from your estate for your personal expenses. (Take your first paycheck now.)
    • Starting Gear:
      • You own land and a large mansion. (You decide what your home’s aethetics are.)
      • You own one personal attendant. (A servant who is half your level).
      • A whole wardrobe of fancy custom tailored clothes for every season. (You decide what you wear at any given time).
  • Bard
    • Description: You are a performer! You use your vivid personality and charisma to dazzle the crowd.
    • Proficiencies: Acrobatics (AGI), Inebriation (CON), History (INT), Performance (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Charisma now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Weaponry: a knife
      • An instrument of your choice. (And you know how to play it!)
      • A whole wardrobe of fancy custom tailored clothes for every season. (You decide what you wear at any given time).
  • Barbarian
    • Description: You are what city-folks and even country bumpkins would call a savage. You come from a small tribe of people in the wilderness. You are a resourceful survivor and wild in combat.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Intimidation (STR), Acrobatics (AGI), Inebriation (CON), Nature (INT)
    • Skill Change: Gain two extra levels in Strength, one level in Agility, and one in Constitution right now. Lose two levels in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: studded leather armor (5)
      • Weapon: any weapon of your choice
  • Construction Worker
    • Description: You build the infrastructure that society depends on. Your strength, dexterity, and intellect enable you to handle heavy materials and build structures which stand the test of time.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Nature (INT), Technology (INT)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength and one in Dexterity now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: hard hat (2)
      • Weaponry: a sledgehammer
      • Items: toolbox, box of nails, 100m of rope
  • Carpenter
    • Description: You are an artisan woodworker. You make all manner of crafts from wood such as musical instruments and furniture.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Dexterity now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: leather gloves (2)
      • Weaponry: a two-handed axe
      • Items: carpenter’s toolbox, box of nails, 100m of rope
  • Cartographer
    • Description: You explore vast lands and make maps so that others may hope to follow in your footsteps.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Intelligence.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: morion (3)
      • Weaponry: a machete
      • Items: cartographer’s tools, compass
  • Chauffeur
    • Description: You get people to where they need to be and in a timely manner.
    • Proficiencies: Insight (WIS), Animal Handling (CHA), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Wisdom and two in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • A horse and a saddle
      • 3 packed meals
  • Chef
    • Description: You make good food.
    • Proficiencies: Inebriation (CON), Alchemy (INT), Medicine (INT), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity and two in Constitution.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: an apron and a chef’s hat
      • Weaponry: butcher’s knife
      • 10 packed meals and 3 bottles of quality wine
  • Chemist
    • Description: You use your deep understanding of the natural world to transform and conjure substances.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Alchemy (INT), Nature (INT), Investigation (INT), Insight (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Intelligence now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: lab coat (grants corrosion and flame resistance), protective goggles (1)
      • Items: chemistry set
  • Cleric
    • Description: You are an evangelist who preaches the gospel of your god to others. You also dabble in medicine and first-aid.
    • Proficiencies: History (INT), Medicine (INT), Divine (INT), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Special Traits:
      • You can pray to your diety at any time for guidance.
      • You can attempt to enact miracles in your diety’s name.
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Wisdom now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • The outfit of your religion’s clergyfolk
      • A copy of your religion’s holy scripture
      • Weaponry: a spear
      • Items: first-aid kit
  • Cobbler
    • Description: You make shoes.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • You have shoes for any and all occasions.
      • Cobbler’s toolkit.
  • Courier
    • Description: You deliver packages and letters.
    • Proficiencies: Sleight (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), History (INT), Perception (WIS), Animal Handling (CHA)
    • Special Trait: Couriers are protected by international law while on duty. (People will avoid hurting you when you’re delivering mail).
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Agility and one in Intelligence.
  • Courtesan
    • Description: You sell love to lonely people who have more money than sense.
    • Proficiencies: Sleight (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Inebriation (INT), Perception (WIS), Performance (CHA), Seduction (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Charisma now.
  • Detective
    • Description: You solve mysteries and bring justice.
    • Proficiencies: History (INT), Investigation (INT), Perception (WIS), Insight (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Intelligence and one in Wisdom.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: buckler (1)
      • Weaponry: a knife
      • Items: forensics kit
  • Diplomat
    • Description: You schmooze the rich, negotiate with foreign powers, and mitigate international conflicts.
    • Proficiencies: Inebriation (CON), History (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Special Trait: You know 5 languages other than your mother tongue. (Pick them now).
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Charisma now.
  • Doctor
    • Description: You cure the sick, mend the broken, and comfort the weary.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Alchemy (INT), Nature (INT), Investigation (INT), Medicine (INT), Perception (WIS)
    • Special Trait: You have taken an oath not to harm anyone except in self-defense, so people are more trusting of you.
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Intelligence now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Apron and face mask
      • Doctor’s pack, scalpels, syringes
  • Druid
    • Description: You use your knowledge of nature to help other living beings. You are talented at communicating with animals and handling plants.
    • Proficiencies: Nature (INT), Medicine (INT), Perception (WIS), Animal Handling (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Wisdom and one in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • A companion animal of your choice
      • Armor: studded leather tunic (5)
      • Items: first-aid kit
  • Farmer
    • Description: You have a strong understanding of agriculture and animal husbandry which you use to provide sustenance to others.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Inebriation (CON), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Animal Handling (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two levels in Constitution now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Weaponry: scythe, pitchfork, handaxe
  • Food Server
    • Description: You are the liason between the chef and their customers. You have a strong understanding of both food and customer service.
    • Proficiencies: Inebriation (CON), Perception (WIS), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Agility and one in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • 3 vials of poison
  • Gladiator
    • Description: You are both a warrior and an entertainer. You put your life at risk every day for fame and glory.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Intimidation (STR), Precision (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Performance (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one level in Agility and one in Constitution now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: studded leather armor (5), buckler (1)
      • Weaponry: pick two weapons of your choice
  • Hermit
    • Description: You abhor society and prefer to keep to yourself. You are perfectly capable of thriving alone in the wilderness.
    • Proficiencies: Nature (INT), Medicine (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Survival (WIS), Animal Handling (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Wisdom now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Weaponry: walking cane
  • Lawyer
    • Description: You know the laws of the land and their loopholes.
    • Proficiencies: Intimidation (STR), History (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Intelligence and one in Charisma.
    • Special Trait: Your Intimidation is based on your Charisma rather than your Strength.
  • Lumberjack
    • Description: You chop wood.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Intimidation (STR), Precision (DEX), Inebriation (CON), Seduction (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength and one in Constitution.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: hard hat (2)
      • Weaponry: two-handed greataxe, handaxe
  • Mariner
    • Description: You are a seafarer of some kind. Your body is stalwart, having been tempered by the ocean’s wrath on a daily basis.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Acrobatics (AGI), Inebriation (CON), Perception (WIS), Survival (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Agility and one in Constitution.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: peacoat (2), tricorne (1)
      • Weaponry: 1 scimitar
      • Items: fishing pole, crab cage, 100m rope, compass
  • Mercenary
    • Description: People generally pay you to act as security or to do their dirty work. Unlike a soldier, you aren’t loyal to any particular government.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Intimidation (STR), Precision (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Stealth (AGI)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength or Dexterity now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: chainmail (10)
      • Weaponry: a weapon of your choice
  • Merchant
    • Description: You buy and sell things. You might dabble in arts and crafts sometimes.
    • Proficiencies: Nature (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Intelligence and one in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • bag of holding (your carrying capacity is doubled)
      • 500gp
  • Monk
    • Description: You spend your days trying to understand the deeper meaning of the universe through meditation, compassion, and intensive physical training.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Divine (INT), Nature (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Wisdom now.
  • Oracle
    • Description: You help people to understand and accept their past, present, and future.
    • Proficiencies: Arcana (INT), Divine (INT), History (INT), Investigation (INT), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Wisdom now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Tarot deck, Scrying orb
  • Paladin
    • Description: You are a religious zealot who enforces your god’s will upon the land.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Intimidation (STR), Acrobatics (AGI), Divine (INT), History (INT)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength and Agility now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: chainmail (10)
      • Weaponry: a weapon of your choice
  • Prospector
    • Description: You locate and mine geologically interesting resources.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Investigation (INT), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: You gain one level in Intelligence and one in Constitution.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: hard hat (2)
      • Weaponry: pickaxe
      • Items: sifting tray
  • Ranger
    • Description: You are a hunter and a tracker. Occasionally you provide people safe passage through the wilderness.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Stealth (AGI), Nature (INT), Investigation (INT), Perception (WIS), Survival (WIS)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Dexterity now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: camoflaged cloak (2)
      • Weaponry: short bow, long bow, 100 arrows
  • Rogue
    • Description: You are an assassin, spy, or thief of some sorts. You cling to the shadows and do the dirty work of society.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Sleight (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Stealth (AGI), Mithridatism (CON), Deception (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity or Agility.
    • Special Trait: You speak two additional languages besides your mother tongue. (Pick them now.)
    • Starting Gear:
      • Dark cloak and silent shoes
      • Lockpicking tools
      • Two mercy daggers
      • 10 vials of poison
  • Scholar
    • Description: Knowledge is power. You spend your days learning and educating.
    • Proficiencies: Arcana (INT), Alchemy (INT), Nature (INT), Medicine (INT), Divine (INT), Investigation (INT)
    • Special Trait: You know one language other than your mother tongue. (Pick it now).
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Intelligence now.
    • Starting Gear:
      • pen and paper
      • your favorite two books
  • Servant
    • Description: You serve the wealthy.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Insight (WIS), Perception (WIS), Survival (WIS), Performance (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity and one in Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Weaponry: a broom
  • Smith
    • Description: You make things out of metal.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Inebriation (CON), Alchemy (INT), Nature (INT)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength and one in Intelligence.
    • Starting Gear: Pick one of the following…
      • Blacksmith’s tools, anvil, 10 iron bars, 20 bronze bars
      • Jeweller’s tools, 1 platinum bar, 5 gold bars, 10 silver bars
      • Bladesmith’s tools, anvil, grindstone, 20 steel bars
      • Armorsmith’s tools, anvil, workbench, 20 steel bars
  • Soldier
    • Description: You kill for your nation.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Precision (DEX), Acrobatics (AGI), Inebriation (CON)
    • Special Traits:
      • You receive 500gp per month as your salary when actively drafted.
      • You have sworn an oath to serve your king/queen. (Work out who you serve with your DM)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Strength or Dexterity.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Armor: chainmail (10), reinforced shield (5)
      • Weaponry: a weapon of your choice
  • Tailor
    • Description: You make clothes and textiles.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Sleight (DEX), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma.
    • Starting Gear:
      • A whole wardrobe of fancy custom tailored clothes for every season. (You decide what you wear at any given time).
      • Tailor’s toolkit
  • Tanner
    • Description: You tan hides to make leather and fur pelts.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Investigation (INT), Nature (INT), Perception (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain one extra level in Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom.
    • Starting Gear:
      • Tanning rack, tanner’s toolkit
  • Urchin
    • Description: You’ve been on the streets as long as you can remember.
    • Proficiencies: Precision (DEX), Sleight (DEX), Perception (WIS), Survival (WIS), Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA)
    • Skill Increase: Gain two extra levels in Dexterity and one in Agility.
  • Waste Management
    • Description: You handle poop and other foul substances.
    • Proficiencies: Athletics (STR), Inebriation (CON), Mithridatism (CON), Perception (WIS)
    • Special Trait: You are very resistant to diseases, but people can smell you a mile away. No one wants to touch you.
    • Skill Increase: Gain three extra levels in Constitution.
    • Starting Gear:
      • shovel and face mask

Derived Stats

These numerics are derived from your skill levels.

Health, Mana, and Sanity

  • Your Health is twice your maximum Constitution roll.
  • Your Mana is twice your maximum Wisdom roll.
  • Your Sanity is twice your maximum Intelligence roll.

So if your Constitution is level 10 then your maximum health is 40.

Movement and Carrying Capacity

Your movement dictates how much you can move per turn. Generally every block on the map is 1 meter.

$$Movement = AGI$$

Your movement is equal to your Agility level. So if you are level 10 in Agility, then you can move 10 meters per turn.

Your carrying capacity determines how much you can carry before you are encumbered, which causes every action you take to be disadvantaged. This is measured in kilograms.

$$Capacity = (6 \times STR) + (4 \times CON)$$

So if you are level 10 in Strength and Constitution, then you can carry 100 kilograms.

Critical Score

This number reduces what you need to roll to have a critical success. Suppose your critical has a score of 4 and you are level 10 in Dexterity, this means that when rolling Dexterity you only need at least a 16 to have a critical success instead of a 20.

$$Critical = {(STR + DEX + CHA) \over 6}$$

Suppose your Strength level is 6, your Dexterity level is 4, and your Charisma is 4. This means your critical score is 2. (Always round down for this).


This number indicates the number of reactions you have per round of combat. When an enemy is attacking you or moving past you, you can allow them to continue or you can spend a point to react to them. Suppose you have a party of four people and your enemy has a poise of 3, this means that the enemy will be able to react to the first three attacks but on the fourth attack they will not be able to react.

$$Poise = {(AGI + WIS + CON) \over 12}$$

Suppose your Agility is level 10, your Wisdom is level 12, and your Charisma is level 8. This means your poise is 2. (Always round down for this).

Actions per Turn

This is exactly what it sounds like, the number of actions you have per turn of combat. Take your average level. (Add all your skill levels then divide by 7). If your average level is:

  • (1 - 10) then you have 1 action per turn.
  • (11 - 20) then you have 2 actions per turn.
  • (21+) then you have 3 actions per turn.

Vices, Virtues, and Acumens

If your character’s alignment is:

  • (LG), then select 2 virtues.
  • (CE), then select 2 vices.
  • (LN, LE, NG, NE, CN, CG), select 1 virtue and 1 vice.
  • (NN), then randomly obtain 1 acumen.

Vices and Virtues

These are traits more intended to aid a player with role-playing their character, however there is still a functional aspect to them which is determined in a qualitative manner.

A given vice or virtue will give the player advantaged or disadvantaged rolls depending on the scenario. For example, if your character is humble then they might roll advantaged charisma when bowing before an authority figure. However, suppose that same character is trying to fit in with a band of elite pirates - then they might roll disadvantaged charisma for being too humble.

Note: One cannot possess a virtue along with its opposing vice. So you cannot be both lustful and chaste, for example.



Unlike Vices and Virtues, Acumens have a more defined effect on gameplay.

Acumen Effect
1 Awareness You sense traps and living beings nearby.
2 Sapience You sense murderous, deceitful, and lustful intent.
3 Ambition Your Critical Score is doubled.
4 Joy Your maximum Health is doubled.
5 Tranquility Your maximum Sanity is doubled.
6 Focus Your maximum Mana is doubled.
7 Equanimity You have infinite Poise.
8 Choose an acumen.

Backstory and Notable Relations

When coming up with your backstory, be sure to write down your character’s parents/mentors and their emotional relation to them. Any additional information can assist your DM with giving your character meaningful interactions. Ideally try to come up with around three non-parental figures that had a meaningful effect on your character’s backstory.

Special Traits and Abilities

If at this point you have not been instructed to put anything in this area, leave this blank until your DM specifies otherwise.